mast Dubai Forum Bogota Forum Beijing Forum The Wharton School

Welcome from the Chairman

Thank you for your interest in the Wharton Global Alumni Forum in Dubai


Dear Wharton Alumni and Friends,

As Organizing Committee chairman, I am proud and excited to invite you to Dubai, for what will not only be the first Wharton Global Alumni Forum to be held there, but also the first ever in the Middle East.  I do hope you are able to join us on March 11th and 12th 2009, and can promise that your visit will be both enjoyable and productive.

The theme of the Forum is At the Crossroads for Global Economic Change, and we are working to create a unique program that allows participants to connect through important political, economic and personal topics that will be both stimulating and fun.  In addition, the social aspect of the conference, such as our gala dinners, will provide great opportunities for us to network with friends old and new.  I am sure you share my sense of excitement at the prospect of intellectual stimulation, personal development and the growth of our network and circle of friends.

All our meetings will take place in the Grand Hyatt in Dubai.  And, of course, I would encourage you to extend your visit to Dubai after the Forum and explore the region!

I hope you can be with us in March and I very much look forward to meeting you.


  Mohammed Abdul Aziz Alshaya

Mohammed Alshaya, WG'84
Organizing Committee Chairman